The MoSAIC Holiday Sessions

More holiday activities coming soon…

After the success of our first year of cross-curricular and STEAM workshops we are pleased to be able to offer our first summer holiday workshops: SUMMER LABS.

Aimed at 11-13 years, in the first week of the summer holidays you have the choice of two different cross-curricular masterclasses to help your child to experience science in a completely different way.

Whether your young person sees themselves having a career in the sciences or more interested in visual art and music, these day-long fun and challenging workshops could be just the thing they need to start their summer holidays.

With the generous help of The Royal Society of Chemistry we are able to offer our ‘Making Music with Chemistry’ workshop completely free of charge for children with SEND and/or who self-identify as neurodiverse.

You will have The MoSAIC’s founder Gaz, an artist and former teacher, as your facilitator with tailored help from experienced learning support assistants too.

Keep scrolling to learn more about what’s on offer.

“You have an amazing gift with young people to inspire and nurture curiosity. SO GOOD!”

Jo Sweetland
STREAMS Learning Hub

29th, 30th & 31st July
09:30 - 15:00

Become an Art Forensic Scientist for the Day.

Book on to one of our full-day masterclasses, where your child will have the opportunity to experience what it's like to work in the world of art forensics by unraveling the identity of a mysterious piece of art.

Students combine scientific analysis, art history, public speaking, and reading skills to unravel the question marks hanging over the authenticity of a puzzling painting. Students will also learn how cutting-edge research is using artificial intelligence to validate paintings.

Book before 1st July to get the early bird discount.

Full Price £65

Early bird just £55 for the day (Until 1st July)

Email for sibling, group and SEND discount codes

Detail from a mystery painting attributed to Jackson Pollock that needs to be authenticated.

“I wish you'd been a teacher at my school - it would have made me interested and engaged with science. The MoSAIC’s workshops and creations are captivating for all ages and all experiences!”

Caroline Anstey
Manager, The Studio in Bath

1st & 2nd August
09:30 - 15:00

Expressive Explosions: Making ‘Pop’ Music with Chemistry

Students testing for the presence of hydrogen gas

Book onto one of these full-day masterclasses fully funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry for students with SEND or who self identify as neurodiverse. We have 40 free spaces over two days for your child to experience how we can use chemistry to make music. Starting with experiments to determine the reactivity of metals and how to test for hydrogen gas, students will sample the ‘pop’ created by the hydrogen test in different sized vessels.

Not only will this give students a better understanding of the underlying chemistry but also how sounds are produced.

After lunch we will use these sampled sounds to produce a melody and chemistry inspired lyrics.

These sessions are specifically for students with Special Educational Needs and will have support from Learning Support Assistants.

FREE of charge but booking is essential. We only have 40 places.

Featured in The Bristol Parent

“Science is often not seen as a creative subject in schools, but when you work in science you have to innovate. By integrating the arts into our learning, we create rich and stimulating learning environments which nurtures creativity. This helps us to simultaneously become better artists and better scientists.”


Any other queries?