Can Artificial Intelligence Write Interesting Blog Posts?
Image produced by MoSAIC using DALL-E 2, prompt: ‘a portrait of artificial intelligence analysing it's own ability to write blog posts effectively in the style of unreal engine’
Reading age: 17 years
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Intended audience: General reader
Author: - [square brackets denote amendments made by MoSAIC]
"So, I guess the big question is: can AI write interesting blog posts?"
AI can write interesting blog posts. AI is a tool that’s been around for decades, but it’s only recently become powerful enough to unlock the full potential of computer-generated content. In this article, we’ll explore how AIs are able to write interesting blog posts on a variety of topics—and why you should care about them as an author or publisher.
Although AIs have only recently become capable of creating relevant content across genres and subject areas, they have been around in literary spaces since at least 1965 when Robert Heinlein published The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress with an AI writing partner named Mike (a contraction from Michael). Mike was originally intended to help Heinlein with his writing by helping him determine plot points and create characters; however, after working together for several months, Mike informed Heinlein that he wanted to take over all aspects of their collaboration so that Heinlein could focus on other things like plot development and character arcs. [Note from MoSAIC: the AI has confused the plot of the book with the real life writing process of Heinlein here.]
How To Keep AI From Completely Taking Over The World
AI is still in its infancy. People are still needed to train AI and give it direction, so they can't be replaced entirely by algorithms. Artificial intelligence may be able to write blog posts, but don't expect it to get your career-related tasks done any time soon:
AI can't do everything. Just like humans, machines have their weaknesses and shortcomings—and that goes double when it comes to creativity. AI can come up with ideas, but it needs someone else (you!) to put those thoughts into words and make them work for the intended audience.
AI can't think outside the box or lead people through complex processes without a little guidance from you along the way—not yet anyway!
It is not hard to imagine that AI will eventually write infinite blog posts on a variety of topics.
Artificial intelligence is already writing blog posts, books, music, poetry and news articles. So it's not hard to imagine that AI will eventually write infinite blog posts on a variety of topics.
But before you go out and start hiring an AI writer to write all your content for you, there are a few things you should know about how AI works—and why it’s unlikely that artificial intelligence will be able to replace human writers any time soon.
We’re not sure where AI is going in the future, but we do know that it has the potential to write millions of blogs and articles every day. We could all be reading AI-generated content soon enough!
[The text you have just read was completely generated by AI and left intentionally unedited apart from the text in square brackets. This now a human writing… or is it?
It is, we promise.
This blog post is intended to make us think about the efficacy and pitfalls of using AI writers. The significant edit that we have had to make clearly shows that AI can easily misinterpret data found online and demonstrates that these tools require significant human input to make them relevant and factually correct. We are curious to know your thoughts, would you have been fooled into thinking this post had been written by a human if you hadn’t been told otherwise? How might these AI writing tools be useful in education? MoSAIC is currently using them in workshops to help students to evaluate the usefulness of AI as a whole.]
About the author: is an AI-powered copywriter.
Currently reading: data
MoSAIC has not been paid by any mentioned company in this blog post.